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SupportBlack.Biz Directory Listing  Basic Listing: $99.00 a year $30.00 for 3 Months $499.00  Lifetime Listing By registering your business in Support Black Directory you are agreeing to accept the Black Card and offer discounts to anyone who carries the Black Card. Would you like : More Visibility and Greater alignment with potential customers who are looking to spend money with businesses like yours Access to training & education Special Tools to help grow your business Inclusion in upcoming business…

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Sponsorship & Advertising

There are plenty Advertising, Branding and Sponsorship opportunities for organizations that support the movement and want to get more customers familiar with their brand and product. We have opportunities for events such as: Strategic Lunch & Learn\’s Network Mixers Pop-up Markets Other Branding, Marketing & Advertising opportunities include: Website features and advertising Strategic Print Ad & Distribution Strategic Email Blast Radio Mentions Mixed Billboard Campaigns To get on your way of getting more customers to your door & ringing your…

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  We are looking for individuals and organizations that know the power of Group Economics and are committed to it’s execution. If you or your organization feels you are a good fit to beginning or strengthening the movement in your area we will work with you to provide a turnkey online system as well as many system, structural , marketing and key elements to build group economics in your local markets. With our current advancements and investments we can…

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The Black Card

The Ultimate in discount loyalty rewards at businesses across the nation. The Black Card allows you to receive discounts and special privileges at local businesses in various cities & markets. The Black Card which is normally a low cost of $49.99 per year is being offered for a limited time for $20.00.  Your very own personalized Black Card will include your Name, and unique card number.   How does it work? Look for businesses that have the \” Retail…

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101 Things I Wish My Father Taught Me

Learning 101 things before you need them has the power to greatly impact and improve your life and your state of being. This book, is because I wish someone would have told me many of these things early in life. The mere thought to be prepared for some of the challenges would have been of great value to my life. With this book I hope to impart some encouragement, some wisdom and some insight for boys & men growing…

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